Delaware Geographic Data Committee (DGDC)
The Delaware Geographic Data Committee is a cooperative effort among government, the academic sector, and the private sector to build a Delaware GIS Community and improve the coordination of the use of GIS tools and spatial data in Delaware. The DGDC is established in Delaware state law at 29 Delaware Code, Chapter 91, Subchapter IV to ensure the availability of geospatial data, promote the use and sharing of that data and of geographic information system (GIS) software and tools, establish data standards, and support a community of geospatial data providers and geospatial data users in Delaware. The DGDC conducts its business under a set of DGDC Bylaws approved by the Executive Council on January 30, 2008.

DGDC Meeting Information
To connect to future and past meetings and documents please see the Public Meeting Calendar.
February 13th
May 8th
August 14th
November 13th
February 8th
August 8th
November 14th