GIS, Demographics, and Data

Geospatial Resources
The Delaware Geographic Data Committee is a cooperative effort among government, the academic sector, and the private sector to build a Delaware GIS Community and improve the coordination of the use of GIS tools and spatial data in Delaware.

Access to the Delaware Census State Data Center which provides demographic, economic and other data for Delaware and the Delaware Population Consortium which publishes annual population projections for Delaware.

Development Trends
Get information on data collected on building permits and development application approval information annually from each of the state's three counties and 57 municipalities.

Delaware's ArcGIS Online
A collection of maps and applications relating to the functions of Delaware State Government.

A comprehensive self-service Enterprise Geographic Information System designed to support the GIS needs of all state agencies, counties, municipalities, higher education, and the public.

FirstMap Open Data
FirstMap is the realization of the vision of the Delaware GIS Community for a self-service GIS for sharing data among State organizations, academia, local governments and the general public.