
NeighborGood Partners
(formerly NCALL)

Delaware Downtown Development District
Delaware Downtown Development District
Delaware Downtown Development District

NeighborGood Partners (formerly NCALL) is a community development financial institution (CFDI) that provides financing capital for neighborhood revitalization projects throughout the Delmarva Peninsula, including all of Delaware's Downtown Development Districts (DDD). Certified by the Treasury Department as a CDFI since 2004, the Loan Fund provides predevelopment, acquisition, and construction financing for the development of affordable housing, community facilities, and commercial projects. To date we have deployed more than 10.5 million in the DDDs.

Please contact us to discuss how the Loan Fund can finance your real estate project in a Downtown Development District under the “Large Project Set-Aside” program.

Website: NCALL Loan Fund

Dover - (302) 678-9400

Georgetown - (302) 855-1370

Newark - (302) 283-7505

Wilmington - (302) 351-2575
