Home Performance with Energy Star – DDD Program

Energize Delaware has expanded and enhanced its Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program to any property that is a residence or has mixed use residence and commercial building space (four units or less and the commercial space must be 2500 SF or less), within the designated Delaware Downtown Development Districts. The program will offer a $50 audit for residential or mixed-use buildings. To complete the energy efficiency upgrades and be eligible for incentives, a test-out conducted by the participating contractor will be required to verify the proper installation of the measures and safety of the property. Rebates will cover up to 75% of the cost for participants who implement audit recommendations through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program. For projects that include commercial spaces, applicable incentives will need to be applied for separately, through the Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF) Program.
Website: Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility
Phone: 302-883-3038