DDD Incentives

This website includes information and links to all incentives available to real property investors within designated Downtown Development Districts. Contact information, phone numbers, and email addresses are provided so that you can get in touch with the appropriate person.
The Downtown Development District Program envisions that State incentives, such as the DDD Grants, and local government incentives will work in concert with one another to produce a compelling, meaningful package. The idea is that potential "real property investors" (aka developers, homeowners, property owners, business people) will be able to take advantage of these different incentives in a way that is most beneficial to their projects. This table demonstrates the potential monetary value of layering these different incentives for a number of example projects in Dover.
Selection as a DDD will entitle private construction projects within the identified District to receive grants to offset up to 20% of their capital construction costs. Investors who make qualified improvements to residential, commercial, or industrial properties in designated districts may also qualify for additional state and local development incentives. Grant funds to investors are administered by the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA).
Visit links to incentives that are available for projects in designated Downtown Development Districts.