Annual Projections from the Delaware Population Consortium

Consortium Committee Information

Projections Information

DPC Meetings
Meeting Minutes
The Delaware Population Consortium (DPC) is pleased to continue its program of providing 30-year population and employment projections for the State, the counties, and for selected municipalities. These projections incorporate new information that has been provided to or generated by DPC members and other agencies at the federal, state, and local level.
Annual Population Projections Data Tables
October 14, 2024, Version 2024.0
An excel spreadsheet version of the detailed projection tables formatted as published in the annual population projections document.
Population Projections by Single Year and 5-Year Age Cohorts
October 14, 2024, Version 2024.0
A set of excel spreadsheets, one for each level of geography, showing summary tables and projections by single year and 5-year age cohorts.
Population Projections by Single Year, Age, Race, and Sex
October 14, 2024, Version 2024.0
A set of excel spreadsheets, one for each level of geography, showing summary tables and projections by single year for each year of age, by race, and by sex.
Population Projections Places (all municipalities)
October 14, 2024, Version 2024.0
Projections for each of the 57 municipalities in Delaware! Two series are provided. The first series is based on the compound annual growth rates of population using as a base the 2010 Decennial Census population for each municipality which then are applied over the period 2015-2050. Similarly, the second series is based on the most recent 2015 ACS population estimates compute compound annual growth rates which then are applied over the period 2020-2050.
Seasonal Projections
October 14, 2024, Version 2024.0
Seasonal populations! Seasonal populations are those residing in what are usually considered “vacant seasonal” units during the months of June through August. The principal assumptions are that these units will be occupied 80% of the time including all weekdays and weekends. In addition, the size of the group in residence during the period is assumed to be 3.3 persons. These factors were obtained from published studies of seasonal populations in Florida and Michigan.
American Community Survey (ACS) County-wide Demographic Information
August 2024, Version 2024.0
This table provides some interesting comparison data from 2006-2022 American Community Survey Data for each of the counties in Delaware and the City of Wilmington. This data was summarized by the Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO).
Delaware Traffic Analysis Zone Population Projections 2024 Update (ZIPPED Shapefile)
A statewide allocation of the population projections to the Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) within Delaware.